


A fundamental seminar for everyone who wants to be perceived as a flexible partner, problem solver and empathic communicator. The keys to success are the communicative capacities and flexibility towards the interlocutor in commercial situations, service, teams, ...

After the seminar the participants will be able :

To learn the basic axes of the “social styles";
To define the different styles and their characteristics;
To identify their preference for a social style, to discover their stren- ghts and what can be improved during relations with others;
To learn to determine the interlocutor’s style based on observable characteristics :

  • fundamental needs;
  • fundamental fears;
  • elements to encourage confidence; - decision process;
  • time process and -management;
  • stress process and -management;

To develop their interpersonal flexibility by increasing their empa- thic and assertive capacities;
To establish an improvement plan of their oral and written commu- nication : documents, offers, statements, brochures, argumentations by taking the social style of their interlocutor into account. 

For more information, please call :
Belgium +32 (0)2 675 53 94
France +33 (0)1 45 08 53 26

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